I'm sure you've noticed the blogging has been non-existent lately. Brian and I both have full-time jobs as well as a job that doesn't put food on the table (renovating this house). When we're not being paid, we're either running to Home Depot or using the air compressor to nail molding to the wall or spray paint our cabinets. So you can see why the blog has taken a back seat. Don't worry, we're still here, still working.
This past week has been a roller coaster. Brian has attempted to spray paint our cabinets with ZERO success. It has eaten up TONS of our time, patience, and energy. So we have a cabinetmaker coming to look at the cabinets tomorrow. We're so anxious to meet our deadline (Thanksgiving) that we're willing to pay someone to finish the paint. These cabinets have caused Brian the biggest headache thus far in the reno (more details to come on the cabinet project later). Brian had to work without me this past weekend because I spent most of it on the couch or in bed suffering from a sinus infection.
Just wanted to let you know we're still here. And hopefully I'll have some updates/projects in the next couple of days. Good night!