As customary around here - it's been a while since my last post. As some of you know, we had an F-2 tornado whip through our neighborhood the morning of the April 27 tornadoes that touched down in Alabama. Brian was out of town for work and I woke around 545 that Wednesday morning to what sounded like rhinos running along the roof, for lack of better explanation. Our quaint neighborhood is heavily shaded by tons of hundred-foot pine trees and the smallest thunderstorm can sound like the world is falling down on our house with small limbs and branches constantly hitting the house. But this storm was different. I’ve been known to fall asleep just about anywhere and sleep through just about anything. I never heard the sirens that morning and it wasn’t until a couple days later I realized I may have actually slept through the storm. A couple of brief moments passed after jumping and sitting straight up in bed, and then I heard the loudest “BOOM” I’ve ever heard in my life. Panic and anxiety immediately rushed in. The twelve hours that followed were a complete whirlwind. While many neighbor’s homes were destroyed, no one was hurt and for that I’m very thankful.
When we purchased this home in February 2009, we wanted to renovate the hallway bathroom but knew it would be quite some time before we could do so. Four days before the tornado, we agreed to “bite the bullet” and proceed with the renovation. Ironically the only place (other than the roof) in the house that suffered the most damage was the bathroom. Because of the water damage behind the drywall and tile, we had to gut the entire bathroom, allowing us me the opportunity to design my dream bathroom. The bathroom is to be completed next Friday. And I’m so excited to share all the photos and details with you.
This view is from our garage door looking down our driveway. (Two HUGE pine trees were on the ground to the right of this photo. These are the limbs from one of those trees.)
This is our driveway after my dad and mom helped me clear it. Only took 10 hours.
This photo doesn't do it justice, but these pine trees are huge. These are the two I mentioned earlier. Our bedroom is the back window in the photo - where I was asleep.
The backyard
Brian's music trailer/storage completely crushed. None of his equipment was damaged.
I love this one of Solo playing on one of the trees.